Мед. обслуживание для детей на ИВ обходится дороже, чем для ГВ-детей
Вред от ИВ для папы и др.Мед. обслуживание для детей на ИВ обходится дороже, чем для ГВ-детей, в этом и состоит вред для папы и др.
В исследовании написано о том, сколько мог бы сэкономить штат Иллинойс если хотя бы 75% новорожденных из роддома выписывались с грудью в зубах, а до 6 месяцев докармливалось хотя бы 60%, а сравнивается это всё с нынешним положением дел, т.е. при выписке - 64%, в 6 месяцев - 29%. В расчёт брались только три болезни: otitis media, gastroenteritis, и necrotizing enterocolitis, поэтому, представьте, если все болезни посчитать и все 95% младенцев выписываются из роддома с ГВ и так и кормятся до 6 месяцев тоже грудью все 95%.
Так вот, сбережения штата на здравоохранение оказались БЫ равны - $30,984,432, т.е. почти 31 млн. в год.
Синди, Копирайт 2011
2. Medical Expenses
This community-based randomized clinical trial involving low-income mothers compared usual care with an intervention
comprising hospital and home visits, and telephone support by a community health nurse/peer counselor team for 6 months after
delivery. Forty-one women were recruited after delivery of a full-term singleton infant and randomly assigned to intervention
or usual care groups. Women receiving the community health intervention breastfed longer than the women receiving usual
care. The infants in the intervention group had fewer sick visits and reported use of fewer medications than infants in the usual
care group. The intervention cost ($301/mother) was partially offset by cost savings on formula and health care. Community
health nurse and peer counselor support can increase breastfeeding duration in low-income women, and has the potential to
reduce total costs including the cost of support. Pugh LC et al. “Breastfeeding duration, costs, and benefits of a support
program for low-income breastfeeding women.” Birth 2002 Jun;29(2):95-100.
A minimum of $3.6 billion would be saved if breastfeeding were increased from current levels (64 percent in-hospital, 29
percent at 6 months) to those recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General (75 and 50 percent). This figure is likely an
underestimation of the total savings because it represents cost savings from the treatment of only three childhood illnesses: otitis
media, gastroenteritis, and necrotizing enterocolitis. This report reviews breastfeeding trends and previous studies that assessed
the economic benefits of breastfeeding. Weimer, D. The Economic Benefits of Breastfeeding: A Review and Analysis.
Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report No. 13. 20 pp,
March 2001, http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/fanrr13/
In the first year of life, after adjusting for confounders, there were 2033 excess office visits, 212 excess days of hospitalization,
and 609 excess prescriptions for these three illnesses per 1000 never-breastfed infants compared with 1000 infants exclusively
breastfed for at least 3 months. These additional health care services cost the managed care health system between $331 and
$475 per never-breastfed infant during the first year of life. Ball TM, Wright AL. "Health care costs of formula-feeding in the
first year of life." Pediatrics 1999 Apr;103(4 Pt 2):870-6
Compared with formula-feeding, breast-feeding each infant enrolled in WIC saved $478 in WIC costs and Medicaid
expenditures during the first 6 months of the infant's life. Montgomery DL, Splett PL. "Economic benefit of breast-feeding
infants enrolled in WIC." J Am Diet Assoc 1997 Apr;97(4):379-85
If women breast-fed each child for at least 6 months, the total projected savings over a 7.5-year period ranges from $3,442 to
$6,096 per family. This translates into an estimated yearly savings of between $459 and $808 per family. Savings were
calculated based on estimates of the resulting decrease in infant morbidity, maternal fertility, and formula purchases. Tuttle CR,
Dewey KG. "Potential cost savings for Medi-Cal, AFDC, food stamps, and WIC programs associated with increasing breastfeeding among low-income Hmong women in California. J Am Diet Assoc 1996 Sep;96(9):885-90
A pre-publication study by the Wisconsin State Breastfeeding Coalition estimated the following health care savings in
Wisconsin if Breastfeeding rates were at 75% at discharge-50% at six months:
$4,645,250/yr Acute Otitis Media
$437,120/yr Bronchitis
$6,699,600/yr Gastroenteritis
$262,440/yr Allergies
$758,934/yr Asthma
$578,500/yr Type I Diabetes (birth - 18 yrs)
$17,070,000/yr Breast Cancer