Английский юмор)

image а меня недавно прикололо вот это . но этот анекдот по ходу старенький Here is the conversation between George Bush – President and Codoliza Rice Washington DC., November 2004 (Sound of intercom buzzing) (Remote voice) Mr. President, Condoleezza Rice is here to see you. President Bush: Good! Send her in. (Remote voice) Yes sir! (Sound of door opening) Codoliza Rice: Good morning, Mr. President. (Sound of door closing) President Bush: Oh Condoleezza, nice to see you, what’s happening? Codoliza Rice: Well, Mr. President, I have the report here about the new leader in China. President Bush: Right Conda, lay it on me. Codoliza Rice: Mr. President, Hu is the new leader of China. President Bush: Well, that’s what I want to know. Codoliza Rice: Well, that’s what I am telling you, Mr. President, President Bush: Well, that’s what I am asking you Condi, who is the new leader of China. Codoliza Rice: Yes! President Bush: I mean the fellow’s name. Codoliza Rice: Hu. President Bush: The guy in China. Codoliza Rice: Hu. President Bush: The new leader of China. Codoliza Rice: Hu. President Bush: The Chinaman. Codoliza Rice: Hu is leading China, Mr. President President Bush: What are you asking me for? Codoliza Rice: I am telling you, Hu is leading China. President Bush: Well, I am asking you Condi, who is leading China? Codoliza Rice: That’s the man’s name. President Bush: That’s whose name? Codoliza Rice: Yes. President Bush: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader in China? Codoliza Rice: Yessir! President Bush: Yasir? Yasir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East. Codoliza Rice: That’s correct, sir. President Bush: Then who is in China? Codoliza Rice: Yes sir. President Bush: Yasir is in China? Codoliza Rice: No sir. President Bush: Then who is? Codoliza Rice: Yes sir. President Bush: Yasir? Codoliza Rice: No sir. (Moment’s pause) President Bush: Condi, you are starting to tick me off now. That’s not because you are black either. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. So why don’t you get me the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the phone. Codoliza Rice: Kofi Annan? President Bush: No thanks; and Condi, call me George. Stop with that Ebonics crap. Codoliza Rice: You want Kofi? President Bush: No. Codoliza Rice: You don’t want Kofi? President Bush: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk, and then get me the UN. Codoliza Rice: Yes sir! President Bush: Not Yasir, the guy at the United Nations. Codoliza Rice: Kofi! President Bush: Milk! Will you please make that call? Codoliza Rice: And call who? President Bush: Well, who is the guy at the UN? Codoliza Rice: No, Hu is the guy in China. President Bush: Will you stay out of China? Codoliza Rice: Yes sir! President Bush: And stay out of the Middle East. Just get me the guy at the UN. Codoliza Rice: Kofi. President Bush: All right! With cream and two sugars… now get on the phone. (Phone dialling) Codoliza Rice: Hello! Rice here! President Bush: Rice? Good idea, and get a couple of egg-rolls too, Condi, maybe we should send some to the guy in China, and the Middle East. Can you get Chinese food in the Middle East?
я под столом imageimageспасииибо))))
а с переводом, тоже охота посмеяться
с переводом все настроение теряется((( Панк: Птички, летите отсюда( матом))Леди: Молодой человек, зачем вы используете такие ругательства! Просто скажите кыш-кыш и они сами улетят(тока матом)))
мдя, теперь английский матерный надо ещё подучитьimage
обожаю тонкий английский юмор ))
ага)..давно читала его...СУПЕР!!!image
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